Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm still alive

But wow, has it been busy! J and C were out of town all last week so I was tied to the office. I got so much done though, so it went quickly.

This Saturday I took the kids to SLC to get Brayden some new glasses (note to all, new puppy and glasses are not a good combo) We got there way before we could get an appointment so we ran down to the gateway. The kids loved it because there was a family festival going on, face painting, live music, give-aways, etc. The coolest part was the professional chalk drawing contest. Wow, those folks are amazing. I wish I had the camera so I could have taken some photos.

Sunday we took the wii out to dad's and played. I think the adults had more fun than the kids!!!


Karen said...

I'm glad you're still among the living! I feel this way a lot, also! Do your kids love the wii? Alan and Jens Kids have one and they have to restict the time they play on it... It must be fun! Have a great one! Love Ya!